Goju Ryu
Karate Centre

Affordable, authentic karate
for everyone
No matter your age, ability, fitness or experience,
there's a place for you at Goju Ryu Karate Centre.
is for
all bodies and minds
At Goju Ryu Karate Centre, we believe that karate should be accessible to all - our dojo welcomes students of all abilities, backgrounds, neurodivergences and physical disabilities. Home to top athletes, grandparents, busy kids and their parents, we do Goju Ryu for the love of the art, and our personal growth.
Come meet our experienced instructors and learn authentic Goju Ryu for self-defence and self-mastery.
What is authentic karate?
Our style is called Goju Ryu (hard soft style).
Our dojo has a shibo licence, which means we have the support and authority from Okinawa to teach karate as it is taught at the source. Goju Ryu, as it is has been historically taught, contains strikes, kicks, kata (patterns), throws, locks, groundwork and standing fighting. When taught properly, it is a complete system.
We cover all of this in our syllabus at age-appropriate levels. We are a non-competitive dojo, focusing on personal growth rather than sport.

Goju Ryu Karate Centre
Goju Ryu Karate Centre

Talking about karate books (nerds unite!)

Karate Basics for Beginners (all ages)

More Follow Along Karate Basics Workout | 1100 reps | 15 Minutes