Goju Ryu
Karate Centre
Dojo Syllabus
Whether you're getting ready for grading, or just brushing up on particular topics, here are our videos arranged in belt order. We have over 350 videos on our channel, so here is a selection of the most relevant ones for grading.
White to Yellow Belt
Everyone starts at white belt!
Students under 7 grade to junior yellow, and then solid yellow when they turn 8.
Teens over 16 and adults grade straight to yellow, no stripes.
What are we looking for?
At this level, we are introducing basics (punches, kicks, stances and blocks) and the building blocks of kata. Depending on the time of the year, there may be Chinese wrestling or kumite (fighting) added, as well as a little bit of equipment.
Orange to Green Belt
At orange, we begin to look at a polished Geki Sai Dai Ni, plus at green we start introducing the building blocks of Saifa. All the previous videos apply, plus a few more.
What are we looking for?
By now, you should have a grasp of the basics, as well as be able to do Geki Sai Dai Ichi confidently, and be able to do Geki Sai Dai Ni on your own.
Blue to Purple Belt
Blue belt marks the halfway point to black belt, and things start getting serious. To grade for blue, you will need Saifa kata, and the skeleton of Seiyunchin for purple belt.
What are we looking for?
We are starting to look closer at a higher level of basics (can you perform them well with speed and power), as well as deeper understanding of kata. We also introduce basic bunkai (kata applications).
Brown and Black Belt
The two year belt, brown belt is like grade 11 is all about getting ready for matric. At this point, your basics should be solid, your Geki Sai 1, 2 and Saifa can be performed confidently. Seiyunchin should be competent, and we begin to work on Shisochin (especially for students going for junior black aged 14 & 15) and Sanseiru (for students going for 1st dan (ages 16 and up)
What are we looking for?
Basics need to look powerful, and your partnerwork and kata need to show a deeper understanding. At this point, you know kata is not a dance, and needs to be performed as the fighting template it is. You also should be able to handle standing sparring as well as basic groundwork.